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Home » Can My Patio Furniture Be Left Out in the Winter?

Can My Patio Furniture Be Left Out in the Winter?

Beachcomber furniture careThe short answer is YES!

Patio furniture purchased from Backyard Leisure is made Alberta tough! That means it can withstand even Southern Alberta’s toughest winters. Whether you have purchased a beautiful wicker patio set, or a classy cast aluminum set, you’re all set to make it through the winter. Just bring your cushions indoors!  In the Spring, take warm soapy water and a soft cloth and give your furniture a quick wash down.

If you would like to save some time in the Spring, and be ready for that first warm sunny day- give your furniture a quick wash, dry it off and cover your outdoor furniture with Treasure Garden’s outdoor patio covers. We sell a variety of shapes and sizes so let us know how we can help you find the right fit for your furniture.

For more information on our furniture and why it’s worth every penny, check out this article.